There is nothing like rising & starting your day with that first cup of coffee. In times past, it was unheard of to have coffee any way. Should you still find yourself snuggled under the covers. The very aroma of brewing coffee would shake you awake!!! Now days, you can have it hot, cold, latte, flavored or just plain ole black.
What if you could add that extra jolt to your morning brew that would benefit you all day long? Plôs™ Thermo is a bio-hacking non-dairy creamer designed to wake up our moods, energize our spirits. Plus it has the ingredients to burn those unwanted stored fats. so no matter how you prefer your coffee, why not prefer it with a little something extra
Coffee Creamer with Purpose!
plôs™, pronounced [ pluhs ], our line of beverage companions. Designed to your favorite beverage of choice for a little something extra!
Instead of sipping down just an ordinary cup of coffee that sometimes miss the mark on flavor, you should try plôs™ Thermo. Its a non-dairy creamer you’ll love to blend with your home-brewed or coffee shop favorite to help with an added bonus helping you to be good to your body composition goals.
plôs™ Thermo Brings The Heat
plôs™ Thermo brings the heat and flavor to harmonize all your cups with a smooth creamy blend of goodness. This is not regular creamer, its a creamer with awesome purposes in which we all can benefit from. Our researchers have tested and found the following:
• Eliminates calories from fat & sugar in your coffee.
• Helps control daily caloric intake.
• Improves your body’s metabolism.
The British Women’s Heart and Health Study examined 4,286 British women ranging in age from 60 to 79. The non-milk drinkers benefited from lower insulin resistance levels, lower triglyceride levels, lower BMI’s (an indicator for obesity) and higher levels of healthy HDL cholesterol.
plôs™ Thermo is a convenient, healthy way to feel better, more confident, and ready for an awesome day that gets you closer to your goals.
The Benefits of Calorie Restriction Diets?
Calorie restriction diets involves reducing food intake without causing malnutrition. Studies have found some health benefits in calorie restriction that include improved metabolism, longer life spans, and delayed onset of age-associated diseases.
According to WebMD research, “There seem to be two mechanisms by which a restricted-calorie diet increases life span,” says Mark Mattson, PhD, chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging. “First, it reduces free radical production, or the production of highly damaging forms of oxygen, and the second is that calorie restriction increases the resistance of cells to stress.”
An Apple a Day
Did you know that everything we need to keep or bodies in good health was placed in the land. Just as the land yield grapes for Fine Wines, it also yields fruits and vegetables which has the vital nutrients the body craves for healthy living and longer life-span.
A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar, which can help keep appetite in check.
Our bodies are the vehicles we all have that is intended to house our beings- if you are like me, you love YOU! So why not allow YOU to live in the best “Temple, Mansion, House” possible. We owe it to ourselves to take care of ourselves as long as we can.
To Blessed to be Stressed
If your world is a world of “worst case scenarios”, you are probably stressed on a daily basis. That’s the you were meant to live your life. This world has enough stressors already, we don’t have to add to that. Can you imagine what life would be that if, each day we woke up in a positive mindset – just thankful for one more day. Understanding that whatever happens in that day, we are not equipped to fix it all, alone.
See each day as a buffet of events, there is no way possible one can go to a restaurant and eat everything on the buffet line. Nor have you ever seen one stress out because they were unable to consume all on the line. Most of the time we can’t consume all on our plates.
So it is in life, we were not made to take in all the problems of the day. The question has been asked many times, “how does one eat an elephant?” the answer is always the same; “One Bite At a Time”. So chill and enjoy life. Its too short and it contains some pure precious moments just for you. Stress is designed to keep us in a bad place and cause us to be pretty unhealthy.
You deserve the Peace in your life, you deserve to stop and Breathe. YOU DESERVE TO BE THANKFUL!!!